Colors and the “Temperament Rose”

We came across this spectacular work “The Temperament Rose” by Goethe and Schiller done around 1798/9. Read more to know about Colour and human temperaments..

Gear up for Behavioral Interviews with these 6 tips

Interview techniques are numerous. Organizations use various styles of interview to assess and acquire talent. Techniques could be phone interview, technical assessments, psychometric assessments, Case studies and more. While Technical interviews, Case Study Presentations, Logic based evaluations are easily passed with flying colors by most professionals irrespective of experience. However, many professionals with considerable work […]

Dealing with a job loss

Job loss can be devastating and depressing to say the least. I too had my fair share of  it in the past, coping with the thoughts that just weren’t easy to decipher then.  I do well relate to what some of you are currently going through during the job loss phase. While you network, seek […]